Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Allthatswritten: The Show must go on!!!

Allthatswritten: The Show must go on!!!: The Show Must Go On - On Tour with the LSO in 1912 & 2012  by  Gareth Davies

The Show must go on!!!

The Show Must Go On - On Tour with the LSO in 1912 & 2012 


Gareth Davies

This is book that chronicles The London Symphony Orchestra’s historic maiden American tour of 1912 and the fairly recent tour in 2012. For someone interested in the life of musicians this is a good read. The life of the musicians, especially the members of the LSO in 1912 is brought to life through previously unpublished diaries and photographs.

The London Symphony Orchestra 1912

The London Symphony Orchestra 2012

It’s fun to read about the huge difference in kind of travel, accommodations and travel time of two different time zones. Also lovely to read is the difference in costumes, mannerisms, graciousness and overall gallantry of the two times.

If you are a music lover, you will love this book. If you are a historian, you will love this book. 

However if you are someone who’s reading because you like reading, this might be a slight drag. Nonetheless, do attempt it for a balcony view of the magnificent London Symphony Orchestra’s great Tour of America.

Thanks to Haresh Agarwal, for sharing this book.