Thursday, June 24, 2021

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult

The Corona Virus unleashed its fury on my household and although we all got through to the other side, we were all left beaten and bruised.

I'm still struggling with post Covid complications and if one day is an easy sail, the next threatens to drag me down.

During those drag days, I revisit books and movies that made me emotional. It's a good excuse to cry buckets and not be judged or be called an emotional wreck!!

So, early this week was one of those drag days and I revisited the movie "My Sister's Keeper", a 2009 American drama film directed by Nick Cassavetes based on the book by Jodi Picoult. I'm a huge fan of books as opposed to movies and when I do watch movies that are adaptions of books, I get very critical and am often left disappointed with the movie.

My Sister's Keeper was an exceptional. I cried when I read the book and I cried harder watching the movie.

A mother's anguish and desperation to do whatever it takes to save her first born; a father's heartbreak knowing that he will never see his daughter grow up and live a normal life, they he will not walk her down the isle and that he will never seen her have a family of her own; the siblings struggle with reality and the fact that they love their sister but also at at times resentful of how their mother is focused only on her and finally the girl herself, who knows that she is dying, who knows what her family is going through and who knows that she drew the short end of the stick.

The book is brilliant and the movie does enough justice to it. The cast is perfect and you feel for each one of them.

I cried for and with the the characters, I cried for myself, I cried for all those loved ones I lost and I cried for ... well I cried for relief!!!

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